
Bohemian Rhapsody Creativity: Share your unique truth with the world

Bohemian Rhapsody Creativity: Share your unique truth with the world

I loved watching the creative process of Queen in the Bohemian Rhapsody movie last night. They wanted to create music for the people. They wanted to be creative; constantly evolving what they were making. As visionaries, I think it is important for us to move forward sharing our unique perspectives. We are not like everyone, we have ideas that can evolve the world in new ways. Don't give up, keep sharing from your heart and know that as you continue to connect to your truth that it will shine forth from inside you. They may not understand what you are sharing because they have not seen what you have inside you before, but don't let that stop you from giving what you have naturally. We need it.

I help inspire leaders worldwide to connect to their power and move beyond their limitations. They are creating movies, music, television, inventions, leading billion dollar companies, guiding thousands of employees, and developing new businesses that help people.